VMIPS 1.5 has been released. VMIPS is a MIPS R3000 virtual machine simulator with support for a serial console and GNU cross-compiler tools. This release incorporates several new features and bug fixes. You can download VMIPS 1.5 from any of the following sites: * ftp://ftp.dgate.org/vmips/releases/vmips-1.5/ * http://download.sourceforge.net/vmips/ * http://www.dgate.org/vmips/releases/vmips-1.5/ * http://vmips.sourceforge.net/releases/vmips-1.5/ VMIPS is free software available under the GNU General Public License; for details, please read the file "COPYING". For installation instructions, please read "INSTALL". VMIPS was built by Brian Gaeke and others; for details, please see the files "AUTHORS" and "THANKS". New features since the last publically released version are detailed in "NEWS". The home page for VMIPS is "http://www.dgate.org/vmips". For bug reporting instructions, please see the VMIPS Manual. User-visible changes in version 1.5 (since version 1.4.1): * New features/improvements: * VMIPS now includes a basic direct-mapped cache simulation. The cache isolation and cache swap bits in the CP0 Status register are now honored. * The boot monitor distributed with VMIPS now sets up a dummy `argv[0]' value for the loaded program. Also, it halts by entering an infinite loop rather than attempting to execute a `break' instruction when it encounters an unexpected exception. * The setup assembly routine distributed with VMIPS has been made more TLB-friendly. Identity virtual-to-physical mappings for the first few pages of physical RAM are installed in the TLB at program start time. * When `-o excmsg' is on, TLB miss addresses will be printed to stderr. * When `-o ttydev=stdout' is specified, simulated program output will be sent to VMIPS's standard output, even if it is not a tty. * The interactor can now disassemble memory. Also, stepping in the interactor now prints the PC after each step. * VMIPS now supports more of the GDB remote serial protocol, in support of the GDB `info threads' and `detach' commands. The debug protocol TCP port is now configurable via the `-o debugport' option. Also, if something halts the program while the debugger interface is active, VMIPS will tell GDB that the program exited. * Bug fixes: * A bug was fixed in the debugger interface where disconnecting from the debugger socket could cause vmips to enter an infinite loop. * The interactor will refuse to dump raw memory words at non-word-aligned addresses. * The CP0 Cause register IP field is now recomputed whenever the register is read, rather than only when exceptions happen. This makes polling loops with interrupts disabled work correctly. * A bug was fixed in the DECstation-compatible clock device which was preventing some of its registers from being zeroed properly. * Some endianness bugs were fixed in the generic memory-mapped device code and in the DECstation-compatible serial device. To get the code from CVS as any bug fixes are added, checkout from branch "vmips-1_5-branch". VMIPS 1.5 itself can be checked out using the tag "release-1-5". Please refer to the bug reporting instructions in the VMIPS manual if you have trouble using the software. -Brian Gaeke and the VMIPS developers